Wokingham Borough Council sign town centre regeneration contract


Wokingham Borough Council have signed a development agreement between the council, Wilson Bowden and its sister company David Wilson Homes.

This milestone comes on the day further proposals for the regeneration of Wokingham town centre go out on public display, giving local people an opportunity to see how the plans have evolved since the consultation in July 2011 and give their feedback and comments on elements of the proposals.

Wokingham town centre regeneration

The consultation last year produced a wide variety of feedback and the project team have been working with this over the past 12 months. The plans on show will set out how feedback has been incorporated and where further input is needed to shape the final proposals.

The consultation will demonstrate how the proposals have moved forward since last year’s event, showing what has changed and asking for input on specific parts of the project including the residential aspects and the open space. There will be a model of the town centre as part of the exhibition, enabling people to see the proposals in 3D.

The town centre regeneration will provide an anchor food store, bringing trade into the town centre and supporting both new and existing businesses at the same time as respecting the heritage of Wokingham as a market town.

The plans will be going on public display in a marquee on Elms Field today (July 13) from 12pm to 7pm and from 10am until 4pm on Saturday July 14. The exhibition will then be moved to the council offices at Shute End until August 3.

July 15, 2012 |

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