Wokingham town centre regeneration plans gather pace
0Wokingham Borough Council and developer Wilson Bowden’s proposals include new modern retail units, an anchor foodstore, a new park and town centre homes which will create a vibrant and attractive mixed-use development, which fits with the special status of Wokingham as a unique market town. The regeneration will focus on refurbishing and redeveloping Peach Place as a fashion retail destination and transforming Denmark Street, Wellington Road and Elms Field into a destination for alternative food retail, leisure and relaxation.
During the summer, over 1,750 people attended a public exhibition, held in an empty shop, to view proposed layouts, along with an artist impression of how the town could benefit from regeneration.
Over 500 comments were received on the proposals. Overall, over 70per cent of people who responded supported the concept of the town centre regeneration with others expressing support subject to reassurance on some issues of concern.
Overall the main comments focussed on: market town feel, traffic and parking, open space / Elms Field, shops and pedestrian access. An executive summary of the findings will be available at: www.wokinghamregeneration.co.uk in January 2012