Wokingham Borough Council focus on older people’s housing


Wokingham Borough Council residents are being encouraged to complete a questionnaire which will identify the Wokingham borough’s housing needs for older people in years to come.

Over the next month, householders aged 55 years and over are being asked to complete the questionnaire which asks them about their housing requirements now, and in the future. This information will be used to help shape future housing policy in the borough by helping to ensure plans for new homes, including the housing type, quantity and location, are based on accurate information and meet the needs of local communities.

Take part in the online questionnaire at: http://www.wokingham.gov.uk/council/consultations/current-consultations/55-plus-housing/

A paper copy of the questionnaire can be obtained by calling 0118 974 6105.

April 14, 2012 |

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