Wokingham Borough Council Offer Help to Local Care Providers


Wokingham Borough Council’s is once again inviting applications from newly established social care providers, or people who are planning to set up a social care business, employing less than five people, for a grant of up to £1,500.

The scheme has previously helped 12 new businesses providing a range of personalised care and support services.

The council is now offering more grants and is particularly interested in applications from new providers offering personalised services to help older and disabled people to access leisure, sports, educational, social or cultural activities.

James Burgess, community care commissioning and development manager, said: “We hope that by offering these grants there will be more options for people who have a social care need to access services within the community. This is an important part of helping people improve their quality of life. We hope that small providers will be able to offer new and more personalised services to help people do this.”

In addition to these grants, the borough council is also offering small providers help from local business support service The Real Business Club. The council will also be organising networking and information events in the future.

September 16, 2011 |

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