Wokingham Borough Council Remind Householders to Return Electoral Canvas Forms
0Wokingham Borough Council is reminding householders to return their annual electoral canvass form soon, if they have not already done so, as the last chance to respond is Monday 17 October.
Alison Wood, electoral services manager, said: “Like the Census earlier this year, we have certain steps that we have to take by law, and this includes a personal visit by a canvasser to each property that has not returned the canvass form. We know that some people wait until the ‘snapshot date’ of October 15 before doing so and we would urge those people to return their forms as quickly as possible. Each personal visit costs the council, and therefore the council tax payer, money.
“As well as not being able to vote in elections, not being on the Register of Electors, or being incorrectly registered, can affect your credit reference too. We often get phone calls from people who are trying to get a mortgage, open a bank account or buy a mobile phone or car and they are not able to do so. By that time it can be too late, so please register as soon as possible.
“Anyone who has trouble completing the form, or who is not sure about their personal situation, can either come to the electoral services office at Shute End in Wokingham for help, or call the helpline on (0118) 974 6522 or 6523.