Wokingham children to benefit from Mayor’s fundraising


Wokingham Borough children will benefit from £10,500 raised during Borough Mayor Cllr Dianne King’s first term of office.

Cllr Dianne King recently presented the cheque to the Berkshire Community Foundation, who administer the Mayor’s chosen charity, Give a Child a Chance. Andrew Middleton, chief executive of the Berkshire Community Foundation, agreed that all funds raised last year will be ring-fenced for use in the Wokingham Borough.

Traditionally, the Mayor of the council chooses a charity to benefit from fundraising during their year in office. Cllr Dianne King wanted to support a charity that could benefit a broad range of young people and has decided to use her second term in office to continue to support Give a Child a Chance. Once again, all monies raised in the coming year will help children in the Wokingham Borough.

For over twenty years the charity has supported countless disadvantaged children across Berkshire reaching children in need including those with learning or physical difficulties; children with psychological and behavioural disorders and those living in areas of general deprivation or in care. The charity provides grants of up to £1,000 to individuals and up to £3,000 to groups who work with children. As many children as possible are reached to make a real difference to their lives.

Mayor Cllr Dianne King said: “I decided to support Give a Child a Chance once again as the charity supports such a wide variety of groups and individuals within the borough where there is genuine need. I am so pleased that the money we raised last year will be kept within the borough to benefit those who need it most.”

Groups wishing to apply for a grant should complete the expression of interest form on the Berkshire Community Foundation website at: www.berkshirecf.org. Applications can also be made on behalf of individual children, up to the age of 18. Applications will only be accepted from recognised support agencies working with the child, for example social services, schools or other support groups. Support agencies should contact the grants manager on (0118) 930 3021 to discuss the case in confidence before an application form is issued.

More information can be found at: www.berkshirecf.org

August 15, 2011 |

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