Wokingham gardening scheme provides gardening for elderly and disabled residents


A gardening scheme run by Wokingham Volunteer Centre provides basic gardening for elderly and disabled residents no longer able to maintain their own properties, and lack local family support and financial resources to employ commercial companies.

It doesn’t compete with established gardening businesses and currently offers lawn mowing, hedge trimming and weeding to 30 council and private householders across the borough.

People can be referred to the help scheme through Wokingham Borough Council’s tenant services, social services, community safety wardens, friends and relatives or can simply put themselves forward for it.

During the past three months – April to June – the nine volunteers in the scheme have devoted more than 150 hours working on gardens despite the unseasonable wet weather.

If you can help please call (0118) 977 0749 or email:
[email protected]

July 29, 2012 |

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